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Privacy Policy for  
We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy, or our practices with regards to your personal information, please discontinue using this site and/or contact us at

Cookies are small bits of text which are placed on/in your browser when you visit a website. These allow the website your visiting to recognize your device when you next return to it. Pixels (sometimes called tags or web beacons) are tiny images placed on a website that allow the site's operator or a third party to track what content is viewed on the site. Pixels are often used along with cookies. Websites use these technologies to track what people see while using sites, even if those don't identify you directly.

The operator/owner of this site does not actively or knowingly use cookies to personalize content and/or ads, or to provide social media features and/or to analyze our traffic, or for an other matter. Additionally our web hosting service (web host server) has told us that they don't use cookies either.

The operator/owner of this site does not actively or knowingly use tags or web beacons (pixels) for any purpose. The owner of this site does not knowingly share information about your use of our site with any social media, advertising and analytics partners. The only contact or personal information that we ever receive about you is that which you voluntarily give such as your email address or other contact information, thus you will be aware of it if it happens.

Our rented web host server, as is standard, does log IP addresses of Internet hosting accounts that Internet providers and some Internet users use. You can not be identified by us from it. The software they use is AWStats.

If there are any terms in this privacy policy that you do not agree with, please discontinue use of our website. Thank you.

This website template is proprietary and is used in other websites.

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